Stress or anxiety? Make sure you are Eating the Right Food


We live in a busy, stressed out, world. In North America specifically, stress is rampant, and our health is suffering. Anxiety is at an all time high. The American Psychological Association noted that in 2017, 63% of us were stressed out about the future in general, with money and career following close behind.   Though…

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Mindful Eating | Are You Practicing This?

mindful eating

Picture the last meal you ate. Can you recall the fragrance? The colours? The textures? Perhaps you can recall what it felt like taking that first bite, or what it felt like when it crossed your lips. Chances are, you can recall the general details, but I’m suggesting you focus deeper. Mindful eating means slowing down…

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A Healthy Body Includes A Healthy Mind

a healthy body includes a healthy mind

I know the Ki’s Kitchen weekly blog is generally about health through proper nutrition, but I believe, a healthy body includes a healthy mind. I am living proof of how mental stress can manifest itself physically and hurt or disable the body.    This has happened to me twice.   Once when I almost lost my…

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