Anti-inflammatory Diet | Role of Diet in Fighting Diseases like Cancer

cancer disease prevention foods

In the last couple of posts, we’ve been discussing the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet in treating a vast number of chronic conditions. The versatility and broad appeal of this diet can also be seen when discussing diseases like cancer and multiple sclerosis. At Ki’s Kitchen, we believe in following the general principles of this healthy…

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Bowel Movements | Your Body’s Waste Matters

Bowel movements or can be referred to as, solid waste — colour, texture, scent, viscocity, shape, frequency, amount of force required for elimination are paramount to knowing what is happening in your body.   You see, my mom set me on a bowel movement schedule very, very early in my life. And, it has worked…

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Fight Disease With Spices – Top 4 Must Have’s

Spices don’t just make your food taste great, there is also a great deal of research about the therapeutic and disease fighting effects of herbs and spices when used in your diet. In this post, I want to share some of my ‘must have’s’ in your cupboard and share with you how to Fight Disease with Spices!  There is…

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Turmeric Truth: The Miracle Spice or Myth?

One might be surprised at all the benefits associated with the use of Turmeric, and why at Ki’s Kitchen it among one of our staples used in a variety of our different meals. Turmeric, has been has been used for centuries in a wide variety of spectrums including, but not limited to, disease prevention, treating…

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Ki’s Menu for the week – Order your dinners now!

Ki's Kitchen Menu

The holidays are officially over, the cold has set in and the hectic pace of life is back to chase you around the maze.  Call Ki’s Kitchen now to schedule your dinners.  We will remove the constant worry of “what do I cook tonight?”  Our menu is filled with Cancer-fighting, Anti-inflammatory wholesome foods, that will…

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Value your time!

Take back your time!

Value your time! Did you know the average person spends approx. 6 weeks every year making dinner!? (based on cooking 5 hours/week). Just imagine what you could do with an extra 6 weeks worth of time – outings with family, days at the spa or on the golf course, etc. You don’t have to be…

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Family time vs. hours in the kitchen

Ki's Kitchen Menu

Long commutes, endless hours at work, soccer, hockey, gymnastics, and piano lessons rule your life during the week. Use the CONVENIENCE of Ki’s Kitchen’s FRESHLY MADE meals, DELIVERED to your door. ORDER NOW! Message me NOW for pricing and DELIVERY. See menu below – Please SHARE THIS POST Monday – Noodle Bowl – Adzuki bean…

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Good Candida friendly . . . almost!

Ki's Kitchen Menu

In honour of a friend of mine, who suffers with bad-Candida, this week’s menu is good-Candida friendly.  In very, very simple terms, Candida is a plant-like fungus that we all have that lives, mostly, in our digestive system. All things being equal, when the good bacteria in our system is working well, we have little…

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