Welcome To Feed Your Joy!

This is where your journey into a balanced, empowered and conscious living lifestyle begins!

Are you ready to become an active participant in the strength of your health?

This is your time!  This time it's about you and your needs! No more fighting your body, here's where you become life partners.

 Feed Your Joy membership group is for you if you're looking to:

Ease stress/anxiety and soothe digestive problems (gas, bloating, IBS, reflux, colitis, etc.)

Feel more energized

Improve your heart health (lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure)

…boost your immune system and relieve many other physical pains/illnesses

Thrive through whole-foods meals that will knock your socks off!

Experience pain-free eating and food freedom

Expand your world of flavours and textures

Create masterpiece meals from easy to follow recipes that are gentle on your wallet and quick in the kitchen

Learn how to live a life with conscious awareness, controlling your monkey mind to live in the now

Bring balance and harmony to your life through Ayurvedic practices

And be part of the most supportive, uplifting community of like minded people you'll ever meet!

  • Welcome Pack

    1. Feed your joy with anti-inflammatory foods

    Revitalize your health (and your pantry) with a plant-based cookbook, pantry list, and meal planning tips for your specialised needs

  • Recipes

    2. Instant access to hundreds of inspiring new recipes

    Be the chef of your own health with hundreds of gut healing, plant-based recipes to make every meal delicious and crave-worthy.

  • Videos

    3. Live cooking with Ki demos

    Practice makes perfect! Join me live for cooking demos and masterclasses where I’ll teach you how easy it is to add more plant based foods to your life.

  • Weekly videos

    4. Live weekly Q+A’s at the Feed Your Joy online community

    Join an amazing community and support group where you can join me weekly to get your questions answered, connect with other community members, and get inspired

  • Resources

    5. Vast resource library

    Gain ongoing support and education from our vast resource library on topics like ayurvedic nutrition, mindfulness practices, gut health, shopping guides and more!

But don’t take my word for it. Members all over are loving the connections they're making with others who understand their journey.  They're enjoying experiencing the weekly improvements to their overall well being.

Check out what they have to say!

*Btw, yes these are real testimonials, from real members who you'll meet when you join.

I met Kiran 4 years ago, who has since become an important person and mentor in my life, helping me rise above the aftermath of my breast cancer diagnosis.

Luckily, my cancer was found early. But after several major surgeries, I was feeling broken. Ki helped me get back on track through her group, "Feed Your Joy". The program covers several aspects of holistic health including healing foods, body strengthening, and mindfulness. Ki is a natural leader and mentor. The Feed Your Joy community is warm and welcoming-we lift each other up every week and I have made several lasting friendships!

I am now stronger, calmer, and less stressed, which can all be attributed to Ki's mentorship and the support of this amazing group. Feed Your Joy is my happy place. Come join us. The rewards are endless!

Lynne Nussbaum

I met Kiran years ago for the first time at a live seminar and she had so much great information to share. I started to follow her on social media and when she announced that she was opening her Feed Your Joy group I thought it would be great for me.

I love kiran she has helped me so much with her recommendations.
I am now living so much better, my knee pain has healed (I no longer go down the stairs backwards to avoid the pain).

Ki responds quickly to any questions that I have, she's a human book of knowledge. Feed your Joy is not just a program, it's a community and safe place where I feel I can express myself freely without judgment. I look forward to all her sessions and love chatting with all our friends.

I am extremely happy I made the decision I did all those years ago for my health and my families.

Mary g.

I joined Feed Your Joy to gain more knowledge about gut health and inflammation in my joints. I had an instant connection with Ki. She is honest and tells it like it is.

The knowledge she has and is willing to share is incredible and keeps me wanting to learn more. I have continued with the group as it is a safe space to share anything going on through this life journey with no judgements. We have all created a special bond.


Feed Your Joy Membership with Kiran

It’s time to get rid of the diet mentality!

Conscious living through an Ayurvedic lifestyle is not about counting your calories, eliminating carbs, punishing yourself for slipping off the food treadmill, feeling guilty for your cravings, and denying yourself the freedom to eat.

It’s about supporting your body with the gut-healing foods you need to feed your joy. It’s about eating with awareness that fuels and heals your body. And it’s about finding balance, empowerment, encouragement, and motivation around a healthy relationship with food!


You can let go of the fear, overwhelm, stress, and anxiety.

You’ve come to the right place, and I'm excited to get to know you!

I know you're busy

that’s why Feed Your Joy is designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle

It’s not my goal to make you go out of your way in the supermarket, squinting in confusion at food labels, spending hours in the kitchen every evening, and falling into bed exhausted every night.

In the Feed Your Joy membership group you'll quickly learn you can live energetically without the use of grab n go foods, fast food delivery, and take-out that doesn't support your health goals.  I'll teach you how to fuel yourself with delicious whole foods, how to use herbs and spices to create crave-worthy foods that nourish your body and feed your joy!  But most of all, you'll gain the balance and harmony you're looking for between work, home, friends and family.

What you get when you join...

When you join us in this community space, you will learn how to integrate nutrient-dense veggies into your diet with easy-to-follow recipes. With meal plans and pantry lists, we’ll make grocery shopping a breeze and with cooking demos and batch cooking, your fridge will always be stocked with delicious crave-worthy meals.

feed Your Joy Membership get started now

As a reminder, by joining our community, you’ll get instant access to:

  • Hundreds of crave-worthy recipes
  • Printable cookbook and pantry list
  • Meal planning tips and inspiration
  • Weekly LIVE Q+A sessions
  • Cooking demos and masterclasses
  • Support from the Feed Your Joy online community
  • A vast resource library
  • And so much more!

Ready to get started with your lifelong love affair with healthy, delicious foods? Join us in revitalizing your healthy and healing relationship with food!