Fibromyalgia And The Foods That Cause Flare Ups

Living with fibromyalgia can be a roller coaster you feel you can never get off of. The list of triggers for flare ups can seem astronomical, and until you’ve made diet and lifestyle choices to help decrease the chronic pain. Lifestyle and food changes can make a world of difference, but one misstep can throw you off for days, sometimes weeks. 

Understanding what these triggers are is the first step in gaining control of your life again. Getting off the roller coaster takes work, it takes change, and it takes consistency. This isn’t to say you’ll never suffer again, but you will definitely be living a different kind of life. 


What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disorder that causes muscle and joint pain (which sometimes feels like burning), extreme fatigue, brain fog, and can lead to depression. Being that it’s an autoimmune issue, it’s categorized as an inflammatory disease. Fibromyalgia is the second most common musculoskeletal condition after osteoarthritis. Women are 10 times more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia than men. 

Like other autoimmune disorders, treating the root cause with lifestyle and diet changes, and following through with a naturopath will help you to gain control of your pain without the use of prescription medication. Eliminating inflammation is the key, as is it with all autoimmune dysfunction. Let food heal your body from chronic pain, rather than treating the pain with harmful medications.


Foods To Avoid Flare Ups



Also categorized as simple carbs, will cause a temporary boost in energy, followed by a crash. People with fibromyalgia are extra sensitive to changes in blood sugar. And, as you know through some of my previous posts, the consumption of sugar can cause some serious complications when it comes to your health. Let’s not forget that sugars are hidden in foods, and are present in fruits and vegetables. The goal here isn’t to drive yourself crazy thinking you have to cut out sugar completely, today. It’s to help you become more aware of what you are consuming and how it can affect your health.


Yes, it’s dairy again. Dairy is a culprit in anything autoimmune, and fibromyagia sufferers are no different in this department. The good news is, if you can call it “good news” is that many fibromyaglia sufferers are actually lactose intolerant. But it’s this condition that can really have an adverse affect on those with fibromyalgia. All the bloating, gas, and pain can trigger a fibromyalgia flare up just by being symptomatic. Eliminating dairy from your diet can really cause more good than anything. Again, you don’t need to get overzealous and eliminate all dairy right this minute, try cutting down, eliminating items first that aren’t everyday staples and go from there.


There, I said it. There’s no need to freak out though. Just like everything else on this list, this can be a gradual elimination process. But again, knowledge is key, and caffeine does not help when suffering from fibromyalgia. It’s completely understandable that while dealing with extreme fatigue and exhaustion, you’d want to reach for that coffee or energy drink.  The reality is though, that jolt of energy you need to get through the next few hours is only going to make your fatigue worse. 


The one thing we all love, and should live without. Gluten is the culprit when it comes to numerous health issues. And gluten is in so many of our favorite things, from cakes to sauces, gluten is everywhere. However, as mentioned in some previous posts, eliminating gluten doesn’t have to be scary. Studies have shown that a gluten free diet gives immeasurable relief to fibromyalgia sufferers. The proof is in the gluten free and dairy free pudding. 


Yes, I know this isn’t a “food”, but it goes into more foods than you care to know. Once used widespread as a flavor enhancer, it’s now understood to be toxic. This doesn’t stop it from being used in prepackaged foods or restaurants. MSG negatively affects brain function, and can lead to cancer. Out of all the things we’ve highlighted today, this should be the one to completely disappear from your diet today. Fibromyalgia reacts very poorly to MSG, and studies have shown a radical improvement of symptoms in people who have eliminated MSG completely from their diet.



Change Your Diet, And Your Lifefybromyalgia

A nutritious diet is important for everyone. However, those suffering from fibromyagia require some extra TLC because they are living in chronic pain and fatigue. The hopelessness associated with fibromylgia is very real, which is why a large percentage can develop depression. A combination of a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness will create a well rounded approach to battling this horrible autoimmune disorder.

You can get off the roller coaster and start living pain free. You can know again what it feels like to have energy, and think clearly. Fibromyalgia can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. Something as simple as eliminating foods can give you the relief you need to get back on your feet and start to move forward again. 

At Ki’s Kitchen, my goal is help make this transition easier. It can be overwhelming to think you have to make huge dietary changes, particularly while you are not feeling well. My dairy free, gluten free, and even sugar free meals can be easy to access, and help you to regain your health. Made with the utmost love and care, from my kitchen to yours,  we can make this work together.   

Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have found some valuable information, if so, I’d love to hear about it! Please feel free to share this post with anyone who might benefit, and comments are always welcomed and appreciated. 

I look forward to connecting with you next time!

And be sure to check out why you should order your family’s next meal courtesy of Ki’s Kitchen  

From our kitchen to yours,

Love + Peace


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